Tag Archives: Sunday

Hand-to-Toe: My first Yoga experience

15 Oct

I was more than happy to guest blog for SportsJig, the sports networking app that promises to do great things for people – it encourages an active lifestyle, and their initiative surely ‘moved’ me. Below, a post about my first yoga experience:

Hand-to-Toe: My first Yoga experience

I am not flexible. The only time I stretch is when I stretch out on bed, lie down and go to sleep. The feeling is quite heavenly. Ask me to touch my feet though, and I go through hell. “Also, you need to do it without bending your knees,” taunts the pesky, heavy kid next door, munching on colourful candy. “See, like this…”: Candy in mouth, head bent, his hands touching his toes, knees straight, he was eager to demonstrate the antic until a drop of candy-filled saliva touched the ground. That, he took as a signal to straighten up. Sweet.

I’ve always wanted to practise Yoga – it’s pretty cool to be able to stand on your head. (Cartwheels seem like fun, too, but we’ll keep that aside for awhile.)  Keep Reading…